1. Find out who has already committed to divest:
- Yvette Clarke, NY, District 9
- Bonnie Watson Coleman, NJ, District 12
- Jim McGovern, MA, District 2
- Tulsi Gabbard, HI, District 2
- Raul Grijalva, AZ, District 3
- Pramila Jayapal, WA, District 7
- Ro Khanna, CA, District 17
- Barbara Lee, CA, District 13
- Eleanor Holmes Norton, DC, At-large
- Jan Schakowsky, IL, District 9
- Maxine Waters, CA, District 43
- Nydia Velazquez, NY, District 7
Congressional House Candidates
- Eva Putzova, AZ 1st
- Tom Gallagher, CA 12th
- Nabilah Islam, GA 7th
- Sam Campbell, CA 15
- Albert Lee, OR 3
- Paige Kreisman, OR 42
- Doyle Canning, OR 3
- Mark Gamba, OR 5
- Mel Gagarin
- Ian Todd, MN 6
- Melanie D’Arrigo, NY 3
- Andom Ghebreghiorgis, NY 16
- Marie Newman, Ill 3rd
- Maebe A. Girl, CA 28
- Briana Urbina, MD 5
- Melissa Wilson, TX 9
- Cathy Kunkel, WV 2
- David Wilson Brown, NC 10
- Joshua Collins, WA 10
- Barbara Ramsey, NE 1
- CJ Berina, CA 30
- Mike Siegel, TX 10
- Lauren Ashcraft NY 12
- Chris Rowe TN 1
- Chris Armitage WA 5
- Heidi Sloan TX 25
2. Email Reps & Senators who have not yet committed to divest:
Email your Representative & Senators.
3. Visit your Reps & Senators
See how much money your Representative & Senators have taken from weapons manufacturers or the NRA.
Use this toolkit to organize a meeting with your Representative and Senator.
Can you come to Washington D.C. to approach your Congresspeople? You can stay with us at the CODEPINK DC Activist House!
4. Bird-dog them on Social Media
Send a message to your Representative & Senators on social media by sharing the images below with their accounts. Right-click each image to download and save. Remember to tag @codepink so we can amplify your message!
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