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Local Divest Campaigns
Divest Chattanooga from the War Machine
Divest Chattanooga from the War Machine
Richmond: Move the Money to Human Needs!
Richmond: Move the Money to Human Needs!
Tell the Chicago Teachers' Pension Fund Board: Divest Chicago Schools from War!
Tell the Chicago Teachers' Pension Fund Board: Divest Chicago Schools from War!
Tell Chicago City Council: Divest from the War Machine!
Tell Chicago City Council: Divest from the War Machine!
Divest Corvallis from the War Machine
Divest Corvallis from the War Machine
Divest Vermont from the War Machine
Divest Vermont from the War Machine
Divest Rhode Island from the War Economy!
Divest Rhode Island from the War Economy!
Divest Philly from Nukes!
Divest Philly from Nukes!