Divest Your City

Concerned citizens should organize and urge their cities and towns to take proactive and bold leadership to make sure local funds aren’t supporting the arms companies that supply the tools of warfare at the root of the war machine. 

Click to Download our Model City Council Resolution

Developing municipal resolutions that reflect our values is an important first step in divesting from war and weapons. The Divest from the War Machine coalition has created this sample city council resolution to give citizens and municipal officials a roadmap in considering how their municipal policies can drive a new conversation around priorities that do not include supporting institutions that profit from war.

If you have questions about how best to approach your city councillors or build a municipal divestment campaign, email [email protected] and our team will be happy to help.

You can also download our Guide For City Officials and Activists, which contains great step-by-step instructions for divesting your municipality!

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