During the Global Days of Action on Military Spending (GDAMS) April 10-May 17, we're taking action to draw attention to outrageous military spending in the United States.
In 2021, we will spend over $1 million a MINUTE on the Pentagon budget, which accounts for over half of our discretionary budget. We need to #MovetheMoney to socially necessary programs like universal healthcare, good jobs, and a Green New Deal.
Take action:
Email your Congressperson to Defund the Pentagon and invest in our local communities!
Then, call your Congressperson and use the following script calling on them to show public support for a reduced Pentagon budget!
Call the Capitol Hill Switchboard: 202-224-3121
Script: Hi, my name is ___________ and I live in zip code ______. Recently, President Biden released a $753 billion Pentagon budget proposal which is a $13 billion increase from last year. This is unacceptable. As your constituent, I’m calling on you to show public support in the form of an official statement calling on your Congressional colleagues to reduce the Pentagon budget and invest in human needs. Showing your public support for a reduction in the Pentagon budget would be a strong first step towards realigning our national budget priorities to put the needs of people first. Thank you.
Social Media:
From April 10-May 17, take action on social media and make sure you tag CODEPINK on twitter, facebook, and instagram!
On April 26, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute will release their annual report on global military spending. Throughout the day, CODEPINK is joining a global coalition to lift up the report and use our voices to call to redirect global spending away from the military and into social programs!
We'll be joining the global movement using the following hashtags across social media:
#DefundTheMilitary #HealthcareNotWarfare #MoveTheMoney
Click to tweet!
Share one of our #PeaceBudget graphics (right-click to download) and tell your community where you want to #MovetheMoneyTo. Make sure you use #DivestFromWar and #PeaceBudget and that you tag CODEPINK on twitter, facebook, and instagram
Twitter Images:
Instagram and Facebook Images:
Additional Resources:
Ask your representative to join the Congressional Defense Spending Reduction Caucus
Read and share the CODEPINK Guide to Pentagon budget cuts.
Defund the Police, Defund the Military
We Can’t Confront Climate Change While Lavishly Funding the Pentagon
To Address the War Economy, We have to Start in our Local Communities
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